fresh summer recipes for 2022

Fresh summer recipes for 2022

Fresh summer recipes for 2022, some of my favourite dishes to cook on warm summer days.

Appetizers and salads

Kale chips are for sure my favourite summer snack or appetizer. So easy to make and delicious.

From the sea

Tartare, stuffed peppers or asparagus, fish escabeche to use for salad… Fresh summer fish recipes that you need to try.

Go to sauce and cold soup

Salmorejo style sauce is for sure my go to sauce in summer. I will make lots of it on Monday and enjoy it the rest of the week with a avocado toast with egg, anchovies, jamón…

In terms of a cold soup, melon soup is my favourite, light and so fresh, perfect for hot summer days.


Easy bbq ideas that everyone loves.

Slow cooker

Yes, you can use the slow cooker in summer too to make 2 of my fav recipes.

Healthy quiche using any vegetables and chicken breast that you can use to make toasts or sandwiches .

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