Appetizer Ideas For BBQ-rootsandcook

Appetizer ideas for BBQs

Appetizer ideas for BBQs that are easy to make? Are you hosting a bbq or do you need to bring something nice for a BBQ?

Barbecue season is on fire in The Netherlands and having good appetizers is as important as the main bbq dish.

Quick recipes to make at home, easy ideas that to can bring to a bbq…

Let me inspire you with some of my favourite BBQ appetizer ideas:

Dips and spreads

Who doesn’t like a nice dip? Hummus, bean dip, anchovy pate, tapenade…

Always a great way to start a barbecue, dips and spreads are easy to make and great to enjoy them while you have the first drink and wait for guests to arrive.

Don’t stick to the classic hummus, add some carrot, sun dried tomatoes… and definitely include nice topping!

With dough

Galician empanada with tuna or sardines, small empanadillas or savoury muffins are always a great idea.

You can bake them the day before and are one of my favourite recipes to bring to a BBQ at someone else houses.

Light and fresh

Light and fresh ideas are always welcome for a barbecue. Most of the time even a need to balance heavier dishes.

For a hot summer BBQ I would go for some cold melon soup or salmorejo as started, served in individual glasses. Prepare it in advanced and store it in the fridge. Everyone will love some cold and fresh appetizer 🙂

If you want a great palate cleanser, go for the marinated strawberries, serve them in small shot glasses. Everyone loves it!

Fresh, acid and a little bit spicy options are always great too. From gildas to marinated sea bass.

From the grill

Two of my favourite recipes to start a bbq.

Super easy to make grilled peppers with goat cheese, so simple yet so good.

And a if you feel a little bit more fancy, go for the grilled octopus! Always a success! You can prepare the parmentier and black alioli ahead, then is just a matter of grilling the octopus.

Hope you found lots of inspiration 🙂

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