Urban Garden – Neighbourhood Gardens in the Netherlands

In The Hague (Netherlands) you can rent a neighbourhood garden from the municipality from the 15th of March until the 15th of November. During that period you get a piece of land of 15 square meters where you can grow vegetables, fruits and flowers.

Every year you can register to get one from the 1st of December until the 31st of December. There are not many rules to get one, but as they got pretty popular, the municipality makes a selection by drawn in January. So it is more and more difficult every year.

If you live in The Hague and want to get more information please check this link.

I got a garden the last 3 years and I really enjoy growing my own vegetables in the garden. It is nice to be outside working on the garden, growing veggies from seeds and taking care of them. If the weather is not too bad, picking your own tomatoes is happiness for me.

As I am not sure if I will get one plot next year, this year I starter a small urban garden at home to grow few things as well 🙂 It is never too much when we talk about urban gardens.

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